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Savvy Shopping

Tips for making your weekly food budget go further – There is no denying that food shopping is expensive. Being healthy and cooking meals from scratch can seem off-putting if the cost of ingredients eat too heavily into your budget.

Cooking Good have ensured our carefully selected recipes keep things simple and cost effective. They are based on family classics that are nutritious, easy to put together and don't include a long list of pricey and difficult to get hold of ingredients.

See below our top tips for making your weekly food budget stretch that little bit further and help support you in your healthy eating journey. We would love to hear what you think and welcome additional suggestions as you work your way through our recipes.

  1. Make double! Many of the Cooking Good recipes can be made in bulk to freeze for another day. Pound shops stock great stackable containers for the fridge and freezer.

  2. Meal plan - Try downloading the Cooking Good meal plan from the Resources section to help you plan ahead and get organised.

  3. Make a shopping list - once you've planned your meals for the week shopping lists are more straight forward. It saves duplication and going off track.

  4. Check online prices. Not everything is cheaper online but shopping online certainly avoids any temptation from extras.

  5. Buy shop branded goods. Usually much cheaper and very difficult to tell the difference. Put cereals in re-useable containers etc for the more fussy consumers.

  6. Never go shopping hungry! Always eat before you go.

  7. Pay with cash. The danger of always using cards means it is easier to go over budget.

  8. Stock up on kitchen cupboard essentials which will be used for multiple Cooking Good recipes such as: olive oil; salt & pepper; dried herbs; rice & pasta; chopped tomatoes; tomato puree; stock cubes; soy sauce.

  9. Buy frozen vegetables. Many of the Cooking Good recipes promote frozen vegetables which have as much nutritional content as fresh produce and are less likely to go off and cause waste.

  10. Buy frozen fish. Fresh fish can be expensive and frozen varieties can make a more reasonable alternative.

  11. Use coupons & vouchers. Always shopping in the same store can be cost effective for collecting points and receiving personalised vouchers.

  12. Avoid frequent visits. Try to do a weekly shop and make it last.

  13. Check out the reduced section. Snap up meat & fish for the freezer.

  14. Shop the world food aisle. Often staples in this section of the supermarket such as rice, spices and sauces can be much cheaper than the big brands in other aisles.

  15. Cook from scratch. This is our favourite motto at Cooking Good. As tempting as it can be to buy that ready made lasagne it will work out cheaper to make your own. Plus you can make extra for another day and be happy no hidden sugars etc are lurking inside.

  16. Shop seasonally. Fruit and vegetables that are in season have travelled less food miles and are likely to work out cheaper.

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