Comfort food at its best! And very easy to make in advance and reheat when needed. Why not batch cook it and freeze some for when you need a quick fix?
Makes approximately 4 servings
Preparation time is approximately 10-15 minutes
Cooking time is approximately 15-20 minutes
2 tablespoons olive oil
750g beef mince
400g tin of chopped tomatoes
400g tin of red kidney beans (in water) - drained and rinsed
1/2 pint of beef stock (gluten free if necessary)
2 tablespoons of tomato puree
1 onion, chopped
1/2 teaspoon of chilli flakes
Red pepper, chopped (optional)
1 teaspoon paprika (optional)
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 tablespoon of cornflour
Wholegrain rice
Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan on a medium to high heat. Add the onion and pepper and stir for a few minutes until onion is translucent. Add the beef mince and stir continuously until browned (break up any lumps).
Add the paprika, chilli powder and chilli flakes. Add the tomato purée and cook for another 5 minutes. Stir regularly.
Mix the cornflour with a tablespoon of cold water and make a paste (this stops it from going lumpy) and add to the mince and stir through.
Add the beef stock.
Add the chopped tomatoes, bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes on a low heat. Add the kidney beans approx. 5 minutes before cooking finishes.
Serve with rice, baked potato or in taco shells. Garnish with grated cheese, chopped coriander, chopped chillies and plain yogurt (optional).
To 'Lighten up' use brown rice.
Use a potato masher or whisk (rather than a fork) to break up the mince
in the pan. You’ll spread the meat better so it cooks evenly and you don’t get big lumps.
Leftover chilli can be kept in the fridge, in a bowl covered in cling film or in an airtight container, for 2 – 3 days. If you have any leftover rice it must be refrigerated as quickly as possible (ideally within 1 hour of cooking).
Keep rice in the fridge (covered with cling wrap or in an airtight container) for no more than 1 day until reheating. When you reheat rice, always check that it’s steaming hot all the way through and do not reheat rice more than once.
Please click HERE to see Cooking Good’s statement on allergens and substitutions within recipes.
Don’t forget to look at our useful articles on a variety of family topics including batch cooking, leftovers, hydration, fussy eaters and more! Here is the LINK.